Azərbaycan Yazıçılar və Jurnalistlər Birliklərinin üzvü, Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidenti Təqaüd Fondunun təqaüdçüsü, “Azad qələm” ədəbi-bədii, ictimai-publisistik qəzetinin və “Ali Ziya” ədəbi-bədii, elmi-publisistik jurnalının təsisçisi və baş redaktoru
My Mother Tongue, Turkish Language
You are my world and life,
My all heart and merriment.
You are my lullaby and first song,
Turkish language – my mother tongue.
You”re a word of Fizuli”s world,
You”re a fame of Nizami”s wisdom.
You”re Gorqud”s honour of Oghuz home,
Turkish language – my mother tongue.
You”re my Uzeyir”s tongue with tune,
You”re my Babak”s fighting hand.
You”re my high mount”s flood,
Turkish language – my mother tongue.
My spirit is getting prettier with you,
I have desire in love with you.
My poems are inspired by you,
Turkish language – my mother tongue.
We”ve found the truth in this language,
We”ve known mugham in this language,
You”re wise word of our great nation,
Turkish language – my mother tongue.
Whoever feels ashamed of you,
Whoever is not on good terms with you –
May Heaven punish him!
Turkish language – my mother tongue.
Translated by Kamran Nazirli